Last day of school
11:12 PM Edit This 2 Comments »So, Friday was the kids last day of school. I decided to call of work at the very last minute because I just couldn’t miss this day! I couldn’t….it was possibly the last day my children GO to that school and I really needed to be there. So, we took the kids to their classrooms. I always loved going to the last day of school when I was growing up, I guess really the whole last week of school b/c everything was so laid back and fun! So, I was glad to be there then too.
We gave the teachers a gift and they each loved what we got them which delighted me. Aeryn decided to color her teacher a picture and asked me to write her a letter. She basically told her she loved her and her jewelry! LOL! Her teacher told her/me that her and Aeryn are kindred spirits when it comes to jewelry. Aeryn adores her teacher and is always talking about her jewelry, makeup and shoes. And it’s so true, Aeryn is completely and totally into shoes, jewelry and makeup! It was so sweet for her teacher to say that.
Aeryn was, for whatever reason, very shy to take a photo with her teacher. But check out Mrs H’s shoes! Awesome!!! I am so happy and very satisfied with Aeryn’s year at this school. She had an AWESOME teacher and has come sooo far academically and socially! I am very proud. I can’t wait to see what her last report card will show. :)
Jack had a fantastic year as well. We went from screaming and fighting school tooth and nail to him being very excited for school and even participating in the final program of the year. I am so proud of him. Jack is much more reserved than his sister, so he didn’t make anything special for his teacher. But he did something awesome the night before the last day of school. He made a “story”. He drew an elephant, a tiger and a parrot with a tree and sky too. Then on the other side he drew water with a crocodile eating fish and wrote on it, all on his own, “So we are playing with 1 crocodile” (he needed help with spelling crocodile) and then on the other side he wrote “and with 2 animals” I was totally amazed…but he didn’t want to give it to his teacher, so I filed it with the love notes he wrote to me. I love it!!! So, he had a great last day of school, they got to play with shaving cream, so they were cleaning there desks at pick up time:
Heehee, see the little girl in the orange top? Jack has a total crush on her. He says she’s the “smartest in the class, so she’s pretty!” She is one of the kindergarteners in his class. He was really having fun playing in that bucket! LOL! So much for cleaning, it’s more fun to play in the bucket of water! LOL! What an awesome last day of school for him!
His teacher is an awesome woman….she truly is a wonderful teacher and I am so glad she was my son’s teacher this year. She had to carry him into her classroom countless times when he was kicking and screaming and fighting…and he is a strong kid! She always did it with a smile and a very supportive word to me, his mom, feeling totally helpless while her son was so upset. It was very hard on the days I had to just walk away from him crying his heart out, broken hearted. Yelling mommy, mommy, mommy, don’t go! Don’t leave me! mommy, mommy!! And I could hear it all the way down the hall. Mrs B always told me, it’s ok, it’s ok, he will be fine, he will be smiling and having fun with his classmates very soon after you leave. He has fun here and does well. She truly got us through some difficult times for us. He turned a corner in late winter, so it was a long time coming. God bless her for what she did for us. Jack has grown tremendously this year and it has a lot to do with his wonderful teacher.
It has been an awesome year for us, school-wise. We are not sure if the kids will get to go to the same school next year due to finances…but we are praying hard that will change. I haven’t enrolled the kids into school for next year because I am just completely overwhelmed with it. I want them to go back to this school forever. I just don’t know if we can yet. Please pray for us this summer as we struggle to truly decided what we need to do and what direction our family should be going. It is going to be a difficult summer for sure. God will be by our side and we have to seek Him for guidance. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, breathe…