1:09 AM Edit This 0 Comments »Just a few thoughts about my hobby…obsession? I love knitting. At work, I am allowed to listen to music and podcasts and radio stations and such on my computer….I listen to podcasts. I listen to knitting podcasts mainly with 2 mom podcasts and a few sewing podcasts as well. I looooooove to listen to knitting podcasts though. I learn so much about yarn, fiber, fiber producing animals, knitting accoutrement like needles and whatnot and of course patterns and techniques as well. I love em! This year I attended Maryland Sheep and Wool for the first time ever! OH MY!!! It was like heaven to my knitterly self. I learned to drop spindle there and while I haven’t been practicing, I do really love it. Maybe one day I’ll get a spinning wheel…that would be totally RAD! :)
So, I have loved walking the yarn aisles of JoAnns or Michaels or even A C Moore, I could look at and touch so many different yarns and look through many pattern books and I was happy doing that. Until recently I realized that I MUCH prefer going to my LYS (Local Yarn Shop) and that I MUCH prefer the “nicer” yarns they carry. So, I realize I have become somewhat of what they call a ‘yarn snob’. My preferences have changed in the 1 1/2 years I have been knitting. It’s just funny to me because I never thought I would care.
I have also realized what type of yarn I enjoy working with and that’s the smaller weight yarns, they produce such a wonderful fabric. Sure, it takes much more time to make something with the smaller weight yarns, but it is sooo worth it in the end…I just love the drape the fabric has and the look and feel of the yarn itself.
I am also thinking of doing a podcast, a knitting podcast. I am trying to get up the nerve, find the time, come up with something to say…I just need to get behind the mic. One day, I am sure I will podcast. Maybe when life isn’t so chaotic, I will podcast.
I will end this rambling post, but I just wanted to talk of my love of knitting. I really do love to knit. I still sew too a very little bit. I have a quilt to share, I will do that soon along with more of my knitting projects. I am a slow knitter and a monogamous knitter, so I don’t have much….but that will have to wait for now. I will also have a post about the goings ons in our lives soon, I just need to edit what I have…and I hope this will become more regular now. I really want/need to chronicle this chapter of out lives.