I have been thinking about starting a(nother) blog and decided now was a perfect time. I am still trying to figure it all out, but for now, here it is in all its glory! :) Here I will talk about our lives as it passes us by (waaay to fast). This is sort of a place for me to put our memories and stories. It is a place for me to talk about my interests and my family. I hope you all enjoy it! :) Here's to a GREAT year! :)
2008, year in review.
I am not one to make resolutions. Last year, I just said I wanted 2008 to be better than 2007. It came in with a huge BOOM! January 16th, my parents home burned down, all that was left was a shell of a home, it was a total loss. They relocated to an old farmhouse and are STILL waiting for their home to be re-built, building has not even started. Here is some photo's of what it looked like once the fire department put out the fire:

The fire was quite a blow to my parents, they will never be the same, this was something completely devastating to them and it makes my heart ache for them just thinking about it. So, on to the rest of 2008. In January, I started working for Central Irrigation. I was so excited to start and glad something was finally starting to look up for us...dispite the 90 minute commute each way.
In February, Aeryn turned THREE! She is such a beautiful little girl. She is full of spunk and attitude and completely 110% ALL girlie girl! She loves everything princess, pink and sparkly! I'd say my job is well done! :)
March came and Chris turned 31 and Samantha turned 9! Samantha is such a beautiful little girl. She has the sweetest personality...usually. She adores her cousins and is usually quite helpful with them. Samantha is like another daughter to me and she spends a lot of time with us too.
March was a very difficult month for me...even with all the GREAT things that were happening, it was difficult. Chris landed an AWESOME job as a manager for a car dealership 25 miles away. The pay was fantastic...the hours weren't great, but Chris has been in the biz for a while, so we knew what to expect. We had to find childcare QUICK! At this point my children were 4 and 3, they had NEVER been in the care of anyone else aside from myself or Chris...or the occassional grandparent. It was hard for me to have to find someone SO FAST to keep my children. I picked someone on the quick and it was an awful one day experience. AWFUL! So, I took some more time off work and found a woman that was a MUUUCH better fit for us. She was a fabulous find. whew! It was so stressful for me and very difficult too b/c while I knew that us both working these full time plus jobs would be good for us financially, it was hard for me to let someone else take care of my babies. I know, I know, people do it every day. I hadn't...it takes time to adjust.
March also marks 2 years that Lisa has been in prison. *sigh*
April...May...June. Not too much to report. Life was busy...way. too. busy.
Somewhere in there we got 2 cats, Patches (Aeryn's) and Buddy (Jack's...he named his kitty sight unseen...he was so excited!)

Jack got a bad case of strep
and we had many trips to the park in our very limited free time!
July was a fun month for us. My parents and us went to Hershey Park for a mini vacation. Fun was had by all and the best proof I have is (Samantha and Aeryn in the first photo, Jack and Aeryn in the second):

Also, our church had an awesome VBS called "Carnival Grace". It was basically a carnival for the kids to enjoy. There were bounce houses, pony rides and games galore. Samantha, Jack and Aeryn LOVED it.

August is when we switched the kids from going to an in home daycare to a private school. We enrolled the kids into a nearby Christian school and we were excited. Here Jack and Aeryn would meet new friends and be in a school we hope will be their home for many years to come. Jack wasn't too keen on it. We struggle to get him to go to school willingly. But, despite the tears, he is learning and having fun. At least his wonderful teacher says he's having fun. Aeryn, the one I was really worried about, does wonderfully. She loves school. She is a social butterfly (believe it or not) and adores her teacher.

September, I turned 31 and I lost my job.

October, Chris lost his job. I hate this darn economy.
My dear friend, Christina, treated me (as a birthday gift) to an AWESOME concert. It's the first time I have ever gone to a real live concert. It was AWESOME!!! I had the BEST time! And it was a blast from the past, of course, New Kids on the Block! w00t!!!!! I loved it sooo much!!!! :) I loved it. :) I felt like a teenager again! :) It was a great show!
This is the guy I was waitin' to see!
I have video's to come! :) I had the best time at this concert! :)
On Halloween, we took the kids trick or treating, Jack was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and Aeryn was a snow princess. We had a fun time with one bad thing happening. Some stupid idiot thought it would be ok to frighten a 3 and 4 year old by lunging and screaming at them from behind a HUGE scary mask after sitting like a statue for quite a few minutes on their front stoop...plus it was dark at their house as they had blue light bulbs in their light fixtures. Before this house Jack and Aeryn were happily skipping from house to house going to the door and saying Trick or Treat (this is a HUGE deal for my very shy babes) and they were SOOO excited to go to the house with the blue lights....just to get the crap scared outta them. It was poor judgement on my part, I really trusted this person would NOT try and scare my YOUNG children...esp. since they were reluctant to keep going once they saw the masked person. I was very angry about this since it made the rest of the time just terrible for my little ones. We were several blocks away from our starting point, so it was a long walk back with Aeryn, I think she cried the rest of the way. Poor thing. Makes me feel horrible every time I think about my poor judgement call! BLAH!
November we spent the month, for the most part, sick. One or another or all of us were sick at one point or another. And this was a month we took Jack to the ER twice in 10 days. The first trip was due to the face that he couldn't catch his breath and sounded very croup-y. By the time he was seen by the doctor, he was fine. Oh course. And the second time was 9 or 10 days later because he managed to slice his finger open on a piece of broken glass...he was scavenging in the closet which was off limits, but he chose not to obey and sliced his finger open instead. After FOUR hours in the ER waiting room and it bleeding most of that time (badly at first) when we got back to see the doctor she said it wasn't really all that interesting. And that if it were her child, she would not stitch it. So, we didn't. And now, it's healed very nicely.
Thanksgiving came and went without much issue. :) But oddly enough, I have no photo's from our celebration.
On to December. Jack and Aeryn had their very first Christmas performance at school! I was sooo excited. They did a beautiful job...even though Jack pouted through the entire performance (the face you see him making in the photo below, is how he stayed for the entire program...even walking in). Aeryn sung her little heart out, it was sooo cute. I have a video of it....that will have to come later since I don't have it on my computer yet.

Jack turned FIVE on the 15th!!!
Happy 5th birthday my sweet, lego playin, superhero lovin, costume dressin up in, sweet, fun lovin little one! We love you and feel so blessed to have you each and every day. Momma loves you, bear, always and forever!
We had a wonderful Christmas. I think my mom-in-law bought out Toys-R-Us...the kids were on and are still on toy overload! They seriously got soo much stuff! I am so thankful to my in laws for what they do for the kids, so thankful. Patches and Buddy also got some fun treats:

Despite all the downs we had this year, we are so very blessed and had a great 2008, compared to 2007. :)