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We went bowling today with a great friend I haven’t seen in many, many….too many years!  It was soooo wonderful to see her again as she is one person I’ve missed so, so very much from my high school years.  Leanne and I were pretty much inseparable when I was in high school (she’s 3 years older than me).  If I wasn’t at home 90% of the time you could find me with her, no doubt!  I don’t know what it was with her, but I always felt so much peace when I was with her and she knew everything about me and I her. 

So, we met up again through Facebook and planned a bowling day with our families.  I know my kids RAVED about bowling, they really had a wonderful time.  Jack was a little punk for a while, he is a bit shy around people he doesn’t know…so he just watched from here:


Though the only reason he is UNDER the table is b/c he saw me with the camera.  LOL!  My lil shy guy!  He did decide later that he would bowl and LOVED it. 

I did very poorly, except this one time:


STRIKE!!!!!!!!!!!  (my friends lil’est one and Aeryn were my cheerleaders)

Aeryn LOVE bowling and did pretty well…for a three year old and with lots of help!  :)


I have a couple others, not great photos and then my batteries died.  BOO!  I didn’t get ANY photo’s of Leanne, her hubby OR her other 2 kids.  Maybe next time!  :)

Leanne, if you see this, thank you soo much for an AWESOME time!  We all had so much fun!  :)