School Friends

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I know I have been away for WAY TOO LONG!!!!  I hope to remedy that.  So I am going to start with this blog and soon I will catch up with what’s been going on here.

Jack is in Kindergarten this year and is doing VERY well.  They’ve completed their first quarter and Jack got the highest marking in EVERY aspect of school (except music and art…which surprises me) and is doing VERY well.

Jack is what is considered a “highly able” kindergartener.  He is in the top 5% of the entire kindergarten class at his school.  He is in an enriched reading class and they do enriched learning in their classroom with both reading and math.  We were told he will be nominated for testing into the gifted and talented program in our county.  So far he has tested into 2nd grade level for reading, but I am sure he is even higher than that.  We are sooo very proud of him and I am thrilled how well he is doing this year.  He goes to school very willingly and happily.  Loves his teachers and is pretty easy going.  He has gotten a good behavior (Hero) award every month so far (they only get it if they stay on Hero status all month). 

Jack has also been making friends this year.  His best friend by far is a little boy named…JACK!  :)  So there are 2 Jack’s in his class.  Jack B. and Jack F.  They are both in the enrichment classes together and have the same teacher.  They have become buddies now and Jack tells me every day they play together.  He says Jack F is funny and he likes Star Wars.  I love it.  Yesterday Jack came home from school with a gift from his friend and it was sooo sweet, I HAD to share it!  Jack F. had made Jack B. a book (and this is how they refer to each other all the time too, LOL!)  I took some snapshots of the book…it is so sweet:

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I just thought this was too sweet to not share with my blogging world!  :D  I will catch up more soon!!! 


~aj~ said...

Well if that isn't one of the cutest things I've ever seen! Kids are soooo precious and a best friend like that is such a treasure. Please share that book because you never know...these boys might be lifelong friends. :)

Glad you're back to blogging, Kelly. I've missed you!

~aj~ said...

I meant "save"...not "share". : )