11:56 PM Edit This 1 Comment »

Uuuummmmm, wanna know what two bored kids, who find a (not very well)hidden art kit (because they are known to do this kinda crap), that are supposed to be sleeping.  All the while mom and dad, downstairs, in ignorant bliss, have NO idea they’ve FOUND said art kit!  I mean, it is typical in this house for my children to fight bed time, and we have to remind them to be quiet….and the nice momma I am, allowed Aeryn to sleep in her brothers room tonight b/c they did sooo well last night…


Well, here ya go!


I went upstairs to go to bed to find THIS lovely treat.  And funny thing is, they were totally impressed with themselves and were showing us their art.  Aeryn drew a beauty shop apparently and Jack just drew all kinds of random stuff…including, a “Weird Nose Clock” (notice small, bottom, right box).  Honestly, I had to take it lightly b/c I was a wee bit furious with them, but also with myself b/c I didn’t go check up on them earlier…coulda shoulda woulda!

So, tomorrow morning, instead of having fun…they (we) get to CLEAN those walls.  And if that doesn’t work and I’m not holding my breath, I guess Jack’s room gets a shiny new paint job (and BTW we rent this place)!!  Wooooooo!



Kristin said...

Holy crap, Kelly! That's quite a lot of "art". Hope it comes off the walls for ya.