First Day of School

11:05 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Jack and Aeryn started school this past Monday, August 23, 2010.  They were both so excited to go to school that day.  Jack didn’t really show it:





but he was so excited to get to school and see his friend from the previous year (his name is Jack as well).  We bumped into his friends mom on the way in.  She said hi to Jack and told him Jack was waiting to see him inside. 



Well, when we got inside the hall where all his classmates were standing, the other Jack spotted “Jack B” and started jumping up and down with pure joy and was so excited, he was shouting out Jack’s name; “JACK B JACK B JACK B!!!!!!!!!’ while jumping up and down and waving his arms around.  It was really very adorable…I will never forget that moment.  My Jack almost didn’t say goodbye to me, but I made sure he did before he took off down the hall to greet his friend. 


It was so wonderful to know that Jack’s friend was at his new school this year and Jack is truly enjoying school so far. 

We didn’t get to see Aeryn off on her school bus, Poppie put her on the bus since we had to drive Jack to his school, we just couldn’t get home in time to see her off.  She insisted on riding the bus, so I am thrilled she was happy to do that.  :)  I got some great photo’s of her that morning.  She is SUCH a morning person…very opposite of the rest of us.  LOL!

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Aeryn also had a wonderful week at school.  Her school did a staggered start, so she went on Monday, Thursday and Friday.  She had a wonderful week.  I got some photos of her coming off the bus too:

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It was a very bittersweet day.  I am so proud of Jack starting in the gifted and talented program.  I know he is going to do very well at his new school.  Aeryn almost went there with him….but it turned into a transportation nightmare.  So they are in different schools, which upsets me, but they’re both quite happy.  Which is what matters, but I am hoping next school year they will be back in the same school.  I am so proud of Aeryn my kindergartener.  She has been so excited to start all day school.  She couldn’t wait because now she would have art and gym and music.  She loves all these things.  She’s even excited for her homework assignments to start coming in.  LOL!  We had a great and wonderful start to the new school year, I hope this means the rest of the year will go just as well!  :)

Chris goes back to school in October.  I am so excited for this new chapter in our lives.  :)

On a side note, my mom and I went to Boyd’s Bears Country, Longaberger was there for Basket Fest.  We’ve gone every year for 4 or 5 years now it falls on the weekend before my birthday, so as a birthday gift my mom pays for a basket or for  me to make a basket, this year I made one:

059 Learning the ropes

063Happily weaving

062  064 Look at that concentration!065 More Concentrating!

066 Trimming067

Putting on the adorable teddy bear tacs

 069 070 All finished!  :)

I had a blast, the guy helping me was great!  He was cracking us up the whole time!  :)  And my basket is so pretty!  :) 

and the results…

9:55 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

This morning I put my soaked yarn into one of the mason jars along with some of the water it had soaked in and then poured 3 packets of grape koolaid on top and swirled it around a little so the powder was mixed in well.  I had a ver dark purple water…almost black looking:


I left for work at 8 am and just left it up to fate.  LOL!  Well, I left it in the capable hands of my husband and father in law.  Last night when I was telling everyone my plans for the yarn I was wrapping around the kiddie chairs, they all thought I was a little silly, but I guess they’re used to that from me.  LOL!  They were all eager to see the results however.  So, this morning I left for work and eagerly looked forward to updates from my hubby on the progress of my yarn.  So, all day he kept telling me the water had not changed, it still looks just as it did this morning.  I got home tonight at 7:30 pm, I was not too eager because Chris had told me all day it was the same.  So, this was the result:

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Do you see it?????????

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The water is CLEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  WOOHOOOO!!!!!  IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I was jumping for joy…I was so excited.  So, I rinsed it and the water was clear in the rinse and it smelled sooo yummy too.  :)

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See the jar with the clear water, it’s just an amazing process.  And this is the yarn wrung out a bit and hanging to dry:

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I canNOT WAIT to knit this yarn up into something….not too sure what it will be, I am thinking socks!  I can’t believe it worked!!!!!  WOOHOO!!!

Dyeing yarn! w00t!!!

12:13 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

So, I have been lurking for a few months on a yarn dying forum on Ravelry and I am finally going to take the plunge.  I re-skeined my sock yarn by wrapping it around a couple chairs (I wish I would’ve remembered to take a photo of that) and I have it soaking over night, tonight,

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waiting to be dyed purple.  


In the morning I am going to pour the kool-aid into those jars along with the soaked yarn and I am going to put it outside all day to ‘solar dye’ my yarn.  I am so excited!!!  I really hope it works as well as I think it will.  I am thinking I may put some foil around the base of the jars…we’ll see how much time I have to mess with it.  I will update tomorrow.  :)  From what I’ve been reading, grape kool-aid tends to break…so I am excited to see what I come home to see after work!  :)  I am hopeful for purple yarn…but if something else occurs…well, that’s fun too!