Dyeing yarn! w00t!!!

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So, I have been lurking for a few months on a yarn dying forum on Ravelry and I am finally going to take the plunge.  I re-skeined my sock yarn by wrapping it around a couple chairs (I wish I would’ve remembered to take a photo of that) and I have it soaking over night, tonight,

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waiting to be dyed purple.  


In the morning I am going to pour the kool-aid into those jars along with the soaked yarn and I am going to put it outside all day to ‘solar dye’ my yarn.  I am so excited!!!  I really hope it works as well as I think it will.  I am thinking I may put some foil around the base of the jars…we’ll see how much time I have to mess with it.  I will update tomorrow.  :)  From what I’ve been reading, grape kool-aid tends to break…so I am excited to see what I come home to see after work!  :)  I am hopeful for purple yarn…but if something else occurs…well, that’s fun too!